
(christmas in 2004, i remembered it was a happy one)

there's one project i intended to start when christmas is coming up every year since 1993 even before my baptism (yes, that was the year when i went to cologne for my german exchange), but always failed/didn't do as well as i should have...

that's to start being a christian and reborn again. 'Advent' is the key.

i always wanted to start a christmas tradition that will bring me back to the sacred path after another year of deviation (though i hope that's not the word i'll have to use)...

when i was studying at the ursuline, every year running up to christmas, we'd watch "the snowman" in the school hall. and then when i moved onto sherborne there'd also be other traditions, like the sherborne abbey carol service with me always among the line of singers wearing our red abbey robes walking the aisle slowly with a candlelight in our hands towards the alter, singing Purcell's 'Hodie, Christus natus est" in an 'A Capella' way. that is i'd really say, HEAVENLY. our young voices resonating through the solemn and huge space of the sherborne abbey is totally amazing, especially when you were part of it.

well, back to the subject. i'm happy to have remembered advent 'before' it starts this year. so i have 2 weeks preparation for the year long endurance of mercifulness, peace making, clean of heart and meekness, hope it won't be yet another experiment for me but an 'experience'. and with me living alone and away from home for the first time in my life this year, i know God has planned it to be a good start to prepare myself for a series of spiritual cleaning (and this has nothing to do with the Al Qaed-a) to add to this, there'll be somebody special who'll be with me during advent this year though i'm away in the cold place called tuen mun (gosh, even the toilet seat feels colder here! oops). i just learned that My Phuong will be coming to stay with me allllllll the way from Hannover next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (just cannot estimate my excitement!)

ok, talk more to you next time round
luv, bets


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