
(the bus girl)

i flicked open a book from the bookshelf just now, it's Xi's "The Youth Without Regrets, in fact i picked it up from a corner bookshop in taipei this time last year. funny how i remembered my feelings this time last year, so different yet so similar. soon, i'm yet to embark on another journey to search God, my true identity, and the world. do you think 2 days are enough? can you imagine me wearing a little red backpack and wearing my brown flip flops and hop like a little girl in the streets of london? hope i'll come back more passionate towards my work, my family, my patients. myself.

which reminds me, i picked up a christian magazine while i was in the corridor at work late last night. it brought tears to my eyes. it was an article about the love a woman had for his husband who's passed away. how their relationship merged with our Father. ah. it was one of the most touching things that i've ever read. it would be such an honour for me to have such a love for a man too, i thought. well, i know how i've been all my life, just that people don't appreciate enough. but i remembered what esther once said to me, that if i carry on praying, God will hear my prayer... So, i started praying, for God to hear my plea and fill my heart.

that being said, i received a call from heaven last night! it was a sweet voice from india asking me "what colours do you want?" haha... sweet kandi, i love her so much.

which goes to say, i love you too.


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